About 20 years ago, Susan was working on an interior design project in Summit, NJ and Ray was the lighting designer. One day – we were both on the job and we “noticed” each other. There was definitely something there both on a personal and professional level.

Shortly after that, Susan called me for advice on a lighting question. So, I asked her to lunch. There is a lot more to the story but putting our professional and personal lives together became a very good thing for us and for our clients.

In combining our skill sets and expertise, we are able to provide our clients with a complete design team that has the capacity to provide full service design, implementation and coordination of a new build or renovation project.




  • 25 years in design business
  • New York School of Interior Design
  • Bachelor of Science Degree

What is your mantra?

  • “Clean, Simple, Understated, Elegant, Timeless” – When designing a home, the goal for my client is to create an aesthetic that can stand the test of time. With homes that I designed 20 years ago, I have gone back for updates and find that they remain stylistically relevant and just need a little refreshing. I advise my clients to invest in strong anchor pieces with a neutral story and changing things up with accessories. Funny thing is that not only is that my design mantra, but it is my life mantra as well!

Tell us one thing people don’t know about you?

  • I play ice hockey – pads, helmet, skates, gloves! I love the wonderful camaraderie with a group of women of all ages.

What are you most passionate about?

  • Healthy Eating & Lifestyle – Several years ago, I developed exercise induced asthma. Not exercising was not an option, so I sought out a nutritionist who had me eliminate wheat and dairy. I haven’t had any symptoms since! It is a hard diet to follow and people often ask me how I do it. My response is – I love to be active and I love to breathe!
  • Travel – Oh, the places we go! I especially love slow travel. By that I mean hiking. There is no better way to see and become engrossed in a place and its culture than by walking through it. You get to meet people and have encounters you would never have by car, boat or even bike.

Any recommendations of your most favorite place in the world?
I cannot just pick one. How about 3?

  • Quidnet Beach on Nantucket – Ray and I spend a couple of weeks there every summer. We go after Labor Day when things on the island settle down. Here’s what my best day there looks like – me on my beach chair with a book, Ray standing at the water fishing and the only other souls are some seagulls. Ahhh!!!
  • Dorset, VT – Our dream is to build a home on our property, that is currently a meadow surrounded by trees with an amazing view of the mountains and the headwaters of the Mettowee River (fun fact – it’s the only river that flows north in Vermont). I love to listen to the wind in the trees and walk in the woods.
  • Due de St. Simon Hotel, Paris – Ray and I book the same suite at this hotel which overlooks their gardens. I know that in Paris I should be out and about experiencing only what you can see and do in Paris, but Ray could sit on that terrace and look at the gardens all day. We compromise and do make the most of taking in all the restaurants, culture, food and people.

Who are your Interior Design Idols?
That one is pretty easy.

  • Axel Vervoordt – His style resonates with me for the unique interiors, often primitive, wonderful mix of antiquities and eclectic art.
  • John Saladino – I especially love his juxtaposition of light and dark, airy and intimate, classical and contemporary, creating timeless interiors.
  • And, Victoria Hagan – She integrates architecture and interior design with refined materials, a sophisticated color palette and understated elegance.



  • 30 years Klas Electric – Electrical Company
  • 20 years Tully & Associates – Lighting Design & Project Coordination
  • 10 years Klas Generators – Generator Installation

How did you start Klas Electric?

  • Klas Electric is a 3rd generation company! I went to electrical trade school and got my license at 21. At that time, I was the youngest licensed electrician in the state of New Jersey. Our work covers residential, commercial & industrial generators, and electrical installations. We have worked for many large companies and even a few celebrities along the way.
  • After meeting Susan (which is a whole other story), we merged our talents and started Tully & Associates which offers full-service design and building consultation services. I take care of the interface with the contractors, the technology and lighting design. Susan is the creative genius behind the design.

What is the largest residential job you have done and the smallest?

  • The largest was a 35,000 square foot home in Alpine, NJ. The job took 4 years with 5 electricians on the job working almost every day. The home required special electrical features for the bowling alley, the hockey rink, art, etc, etc, etc!
  • The smallest job – well, just last week an elderly client called because she thought she smelled smoke. We went over and unplugged her lamp. Rewired it of course.

Tell us one thing people don’t know about you

  • I have 4 sisters!

What are you most passionate about?

  • Cooking!
  • And, helping people see the good part of life – whether that is through sharing a great, home cooked (by me) meal, or recommending travel destinations, or a great wine, or what to do with their wife on her birthday.

Can you give us your best, most secret cooking tip?

  • Definitely. My best, not so secret but very simple cooking tip is to use the best quality ingredients. That means anything from good salt to the freshest produce or the best quality olive oil. Cooking well does not have to be complicated.

Describe your ideal meal?

  • 6 people. My house. Good food. Good wine. Good conversation. All those ingredients matter too!

What is your mantra?

  • My mantra, which I carry through my business, personal relationships and even in my cooking is to create a ripple of good energy every day with everyone I encounter along the way.