When in Rome

January 31st, 2020|Interior Design|

Rome is a city that gets better each time you visit. I have some friends who come back from their first trip there and haven’t fallen in love. “Keep going”, is my advice. The first visit is always consumed with hitting the major tourist spots which can be busy with long,

Keeping Design Alive

January 15th, 2020|Interior Design|

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Well, I will admit, I do have a bit of an obsession, but it is not something that I am planning to stop any time soon. Ever since I wandered into the Winston Flowers store on Greenwich Avenue in

A Meeting of the Minds – and the Soul

December 18th, 2019|Interior Design|

You know when you see someone across the room and you just know that you connect? Ray and I were lucky enough that fate, karma or whatever you want to call it, came into play for us. We were both working on a project for a client and happened to