You know when you see someone across the room and you just know that you connect? Ray and I were lucky enough that fate, karma or whatever you want to call it, came into play for us. We were both working on a project for a client and happened to be in the same place at the same time.

I knew there was something about this guy that I wanted to know more about. Maybe I fabricated a reason to call him about a lighting issue, maybe. But I did have a question and I knew he would have the answers.

So, we met. And we realized that we had so much in common from the way we approached our businesses to the way we approached life. It was not long before we decided to combine both.

We have operated our businesses – Susan Tully Interiors, Tully & Associates and Klas Electric & Generators – from our combined office for over 15 years. What became evident was that in working together, our clients benefited from our full-service expertise. And, that is why we decided to officially combine our businesses into a one stop service – TULLY&KLAS.

What do we offer that sets us apart from other design firms? The combination of my 25 years plus in the interior design business with Ray’s 30 years in electrical, lighting and project coordination provides our clients with one inter-connected business providing overall project execution and interface. TULLY&KLAS acts as the client’s advocate on all aspects of the job.

That is the technical part of why our team works well for clients but as important is the passion and life style experience that we bring to our clients. Our business ethic is to help clients cultivate an expanded lifestyle through our exposure to unique experiences. Bringing back connections and resources curated in our world travels, we collect connections and linkages to new resources, artisans and sensibilities.

For example, our library project in Vermont was inspired by our recent visit to the Trinity Church in Dublin, Ireland. Artisans for a custom bar at a Vermont residence were sourced through contacts made during our travels to Portland, Oregon. A seashell collection for a home in Spring Lake, NJ was curated from our summer stay in Nantucket. And, a custom Native American sculpture was designed for a NYC apartment from our meeting with a Taos, New Mexico based artist while visiting Taos & Santa Fe.

Wherever we go, we are constantly looking for ways to expand our network and bring quality and unique resources back for our clients.

Not many people have the luxury of doing their hobby as their business. And, for us, we get to do it together.

Stay tuned for more adventures, resources, design ideas and even some cooking tips from Ray. I just do the eating!